Tuesday 20 February 2007

I'm a gay robot

No, I’m not coming out or exposing some kinda mechanised plot to hide amongst humanity before launching a grand scheme to overrun the planet. If you don't know what I'm talking about then you need to keep reading cos there's something really cool you've been missing.

Those of you who do recognise that quote will, I'm sure, agree that Red V's Blue is essential viewing for gamers. For those who don't know, it's a comedy machinima (movie 'filmed' within a game) made in Halo. It follows two teams of misfits and dumbasses as they exist and battle in (initially) blood gultch.

I've been re-watching the DVDs of the first series and the thing doesn't seem to date. the gags are good and the characters engaging. Pretty stunning as they always wear helmets and almost always hold a pistol. I think one of the things that I appreciate most about it is that they take the piss out of themselves, not the characters (tough there's plenty of that) but where there is inadequacy in the show mechanism they point it out and make fun of it.

Screw it, I'm not here to promote this stuff. I like it, watch it and see if you do.

Cock bite.

Red Vs Blue site
Wikipedia article

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